Hospice in Phoenix

Vital Hospice provides high quality care in Phoenix and surrounding areas.

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice care is an affirmation of life that focuses on comfort, pain-free care when a loved one is faced with a terminal illness. Meet the Vital Hospice team and see what services are available to you and your family.

A Team You Can Trust

Our team-oriented approach to hospice care includes medical, social, emotional and spiritual support to guide you and your family through this difficult time. An experienced care team will tailor and deliver a individually-focused care plan to meet your needs and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

See some frequently asked questions and answers or learn more by clicking the “Read Hospice FAQs” button below.

  • Hospice is a form of care tailored specifically for the needs of individuals and families facing a life-limiting illness. A diverse medical care team works together to manage pain, increase comfort, and support every aspect of a patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The goal of Hospice Care is to help people live their last days with respect, peace and dignity.

  • Most families choose Hospice Care when a loved one is diagnosed with an illness that can’t be cured. We recommend speaking with your loved one’s physician to discuss care options. If they believe that Hospice Care is the right choice, they’ll provide a referral. We are also available to speak with you about care options and to coordinate with your loved one’s physician. If the patient does not have a physician, we are able to provide a referral. Click here for contact information.

  • Most health plans cover Hospice, including Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance. Even if an individual doesn’t have insurance, hospice is still an option. We will not turn away any patients who need comfort and care during the last stages of their lives.

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